EZ-Guide 500



Affordable parallel swathing system for farmers and growers.

aggps_ezguideThe AgGPS® EZ-Guide™ SL Lightbar provides precise, reliable, parallel and curve guidance for a variety of farming operations. By reducing costs and maximizing productivity. Affordable and easy-to-use, EZ-Guide is an investment that starts paying for itself from day one.

The EZ-Guide system lets you apply material right the first time, eliminating skip and overlap. With GPS guidance you can extend your operating hours to work when you need to, even at night or in fog. And guidance with a lightbar reduces driver fatigue, increasing the overall safety of your operation.

EZ-Guide supports the free WAAS differential correction service covering the USA and parts of Canada. With this or an optional satellite DGPS subscription, rest assured that EZ-Guide will deliver precision guidance at all times.

The EZ-Guide system is fully expandable to meet your changing needs. Add an AgGPS EZ-Map for mapping and industry-standard record-keeping options such as coverage mapping and feature/boundary mapping.

Add an AgGPS 160 Portable Computer to turn EZ-Guide into a productive field management system with enhanced guidance, field mapping, soil sampling, and data logging capabilities.

Add an AgGPS 170 Field Computer for the ultimate field information management solution, with enhanced guidance, field mapping, flow control, flow monitoring, variable rate management, and soil sampling capabilities.




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Last modified: 08/10/07